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For this assignment, we had to use 2 vanishing points as we were drawing, which is when you draw everything to the same two points on your paper. So as you keep drawing, adding to your art and making it more detailed it will look as if you are looking from a two-point perspective. Everything is getting smaller as it gets farther away. I think that I really struggled in this with making sure that I used both of the points so that all the lines matched up correctly. I also think I could have done better with the shading and making sure I use a full range of value.

 Although, I think that I did a pretty good job with the shadow of the tree and I think I did a pretty good job making the fence considering I had never done that before. But I had a ton of fun getting to do this, my favorite part was when I first started it and had to use a ruler to mark out all of the lines to see where everything had to go, and getting to look at the overall product and seeing what else I could add or push myself to do. 

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